Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentine's Day

It's that time again...Valentine's Day. The day of champagne and roses, chocolates and candy hearts. Love in the air. 

Looking for something different to give or receive on Valentine's Day? How about a {re}cork'd Valentine's Wreath? Each wreath is handmade and unique. You tell me what colors you like and I'll make the perfect wreath to proclaim your love for all things Valentine's. 

Single? How about getting a Valentine Gift for yourself. Maybe you just love Valentine's Day, married, dating or single. It's the month of love. Even if it's just loving yourself, which is the most important kind of love anyway. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else. 

Taken? Surprise your sweetheart with this beautiful expression of love. Celebrate February as the month for love. Create a beautiful basket of loving and thoughtful gifts to show your special someone how much they mean to you. A bottle of wine, a love poem, candles, bubble bath, chocolates and a beautiful cork wreath. I'd love that as a gift. 

I'm a February baby, so I feel a special bond with Valentine's Day. My favorite color is red. I used to think Valentine's Day was just an early celebration of my birthday. ha ha.

I love red and pink and hearts and flowers. I'm a true romantic at heart. Even when I don't have a sweetheart I like to show the people in my life how much I love them. My mom, my brother and sister, my friends, they are my Valentines. 

Sons, want to show your mom how much you love her? She will be touched to receive a special Valentine from you that she can look at every year and remember how much her boy loves his Mom.

To order your own gorgeous wreath, email me at

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