Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


What else can you make out of cork? How about some magnets. I LOVE my magnets. I think they are fun and clever and different. I make most of them from just cutting some cork in rounds. Attach a good quality magnet to one end and either a button, fabric, charm, etc on the other end. Voila! 

I make magnets for seasons; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. That highlight different locales; Italy, New Orleans, Paris, etc. Or just whimsical. Some are bejeweled and studded. Beautiful and sparkly.

At the festivals I've worked at the magnets are a big draw. Mostly by kids. They LOVE the magnets. They love the sparkle. They love the color. They just love them. I think it's adorable. 

The magnets are a great introduction to {re}cork'd. They are small and useful but pretty.

What would you like to see on your magnets?

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