Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Monday, January 3, 2011

Marketing and Motivation

Ok, I must admit that I really thought that this little venture of mine would just take OFF! I mean, it's unique and incorporates {re}cycling, is fun and all that. Why wouldn't everyone just love it and want to buy stuff from me all the time. The reality is that it's just like any other business and it takes time and nurturing and marketing. To do all that you need motivation. 

I am equal parts highly driven/motivated and ambivalent. Or maybe I should say, easily discouraged. This whole project is teaching me so many things. Patience, patience, and more patience, along with some gumption. 

So now I have to find more ways to promote and sell my product. I always had the idea that I wanted to find some cool little shops to sell my items in. There are in fact such shops in my new town of Chattanooga. For some reason I have  procrastinated in getting out there to try and get these shops to buy my stuff. Why? There are a few reasons, but I guess the main reason would be self-doubt, the fear of rejection. What if I go out there and they don't want my stuff? That would suck.

Back-story and a little self-analysis. I've had for most of my life a huge fear of rejection. It stems from a few sources that I won't bore you with, but it's there. And as I reflect back on my life, I've not done a lot of things that I've wanted to do because of it. In my journey of becoming the new me, I have to recognize that and continually conquer that fear.

It seems silly to not go out and try to sell my product for fear of rejection, but there it is. So what did I make myself go do today? I went out and hit the streets (ok, really just one street) and went to find some shops who might be interested in my products. I got an application for one consignment store and cards to make appointments with two other shop owners. If this works out, this will be a great boost to me, and if it doesn't well, it's not going to kill me and I faced the fear and attacked that procrastination monster.

Fingers crossed! 


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