Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Not only do I {re}use old wine corks, I also take old items to {re}purpose them into new items. Here I've taken some old picture frames donated to me by a friend and {re}purposed them with the {re}cork'd theme.

The first one posted above, is a cool woven frame with a wood center. I removed the glass and placed the the corks in the center. This can be used as a decorative piece or you can use it as a cork board at your desk, to post up notes or pictures. 

For a fun look I took this next frame that says "vacation" and jazzed it up. I added a few festive corks and some shells I collected from my trip to Cozumel. What says vacation more than some wine and sea shells? This is a great way to highlight your favorite vacation photo. A simple and fun way to {re}purpose a common looking frame and make it something unique.
Here, I took another old photo frame that already had a pretty design element to it. I highlighted it by adding some cork disks and then attaching some beads that complimented the colors in the frame. Taking something that is already decorated and giving it new life is a challenge. I didn't want to overwhelm it but wanted it to look natural and one-of-a-kind.

I love {re}purposing things. Taking something old and giving it a new life. It's also eco-friendly. I'm trying to apply more of these principles in my life. My dear friend and sister from another mother, Candi Dickens-Russell, has been a major influence on my life in regards to {re}cycling and being more conscience of my impact on our earth. Check out her blog, She practices what she preaches and I can't help but admire that. She and her husband, Scott are {re}modeling their house, largely on their own and using eco-friendly products and {re}purposing things as well.

I digress, so back to the photo frames.  I took these items that my friend was going to throw away and I gave them a new personality, a new purpose that someone else can enjoy. It also makes them special and they stand out from the crowd of cookie-cutter, mass-produced items.   

 Here's another fun frame. A simple, but seascape inspired {re}purposed frame. Again, I utilized the cork disks and my shells from Cozumel to keep with the theme. Just something simple to make the frame stand out.

Lastly, I took an old-fashioned picture frame, took out the glass and placed natural corks inside the frame. This is a gorgeous and uncommon piece that I think would be best used as a piece of art. You can also use this is a cork board. It is a small 3" x 2" frame, so it's perfect for your desk or a counter top.

I had a great time taking these frames and {re}purposing them. These are for sale and you can email me at if you're interesting in purchasing any of them or custom-ordering a piece.


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