Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

It's a New Year. Last year sure was a roller-coaster and quite interesting. Now it's time to start a new phase of my life. Part of that new phase is {re}cork'd. 

I plan on going to a lot of festivals this year. I keep looking and applying for all that I can afford. The festival circuit is a unique one. I've done 3 festivals so far. Some I've done fairly well on, some not so good. I do get a lot of positive feedback though. People say they haven't seen anything like what I'm doing and they like it. Now how to get them to actually purchase some items?

I think I have found a unique niche, but is it enough to support me? Not yet, so now I'm looking for a job to help me along. My goal is still to get {re}cork'd to a profitable place. I know it takes time but patience has never been one of my strong suits. LOL. Maybe this is one of my lessons in learning patience. Hang in there, keep doing what I'm doing, expand, and hopefully it will all come together. I'm positive it will. 

If you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?

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