Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

It is gorgeous in southeastern Tennessee. The flowers are blooming, the trees blossoming and the sky is clear. Easter is just around the corner. I came up with a few Spring {re}cork'd wreaths. They are whimsical and colorful.

 The first one has a cute pink and brown colored ribbon wrapped around the wreath with pink eggs and the corks. It can be used for Easter and/or Spring.

It's simple yet festive and pretty. Pink and brown is my favorite color combination. I love the polka dots in the ribbon and it's studded with corks.

Growing up in Southern California there wasn't much distinction between Seasons. Here in Tennessee, there are Seasons and after a long and strange weathered winter, it's wonderful to see all the colors and feel the warm sun on my skin and the gentle breeze blowing in the air.

Spring has become my new favorite Season. I love the colors. 

Here is another fun wreath. A yellow and green wreath, with some pretty little flowers and studded with the corks.

Finally, a cute little wreath that is colorful. Perfect for small places or just to add something Springy to your decor.

I've been having fun coming up with all these ideas for wreaths. Letting my creative side come out.

What do you think?

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