Always carry a corkscrew and the wine shall provide itself. Basil Bunting

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Ornaments

Now that I've introduced you to my inspiration, here is what came next. After making dozens of key chains, I wanted to try something new. Expand my crafting skills. What could I make? How about Christmas ornaments? The idea was suggested by a couple of people and I thought it was a great one.

Early Xmas Ornaments
It took me several tries to figure out what to do. I had to somehow make a hook, something that would go through the cork. Now for you crafters, it probably seems obvious, but it was a mystery to me. I discovered gauged wire. that I could poke them through the natural cork and even the resin corks. 

Then I took all my sparkly beads and went creatively crazy. There are red ones, blue ones, green ones, oh my. I perfected my hooks, I added more beads. Many an hour was spent making Christmas Ornaments, all in the Summer. It was too hot and humid for me here in Tennessee, so I made Christmas ornaments and dreamt of the day the weather would cool.

Custom Order
I came up with some really pretty designs, I got a couple of custom orders. I made sets and individual ornaments. I was starting to go to area festivals to sell my wares and wanted to have a good supply of ornaments. 

Display of Ornaments

I loved my ornaments. I had my favorites. The beautiful green and copper, the red and white ones that looked like candy canes. These are great ornaments. Unique and beautiful. Can you say you've seen these kind of ornaments before?

I know it's less than a week after Christmas, but if you want some ornaments, check out my Facebook page, (see the link on the left column) and you can get some on sale right now. Subtle, right?

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